Multi-Level Marketing Product Training
In my opinion, a Multi-Level Marketing business stands and falls on the product range. It is therefore essential to provide every new distributor with in-depth knowledge of the product.
I am starting with the assumption that your product is the real deal and does what you claim it does.
With that in mind, if you look at the top MLM companies such as Amway, Herbalife and Avon, you will find that their people believe heart and soul in the products. You can’t shake their belief with dynamite. What these companies all have in common is outstanding product training.
If you have been in any form of marketing, you will know that getting a person to commit to your product is not only seriously difficult but can cost millions in advertising. Even if you reach your target market, cutting through the noise is close to impossible. With MLM you have a recruit that pays you, sometimes a substantial amount of money, to learn about your product. You have carte blanche to spend a serious amount of time showing them all the features and benefits of your product. Imagine that…
If a person sells a product that they don’t believe in, they are a con artist. It is therefore imperative that they believe in the product. Week 1 should be all about the product. It is the sponsor's job to train their new distributor and to get them to the point where they embrace the product and start developing a deep-seated belief in the value that the product offers. The sponsor will need excellent training material if they are to be effective and that is where the company comes in.
Training Material
There are several things that develop belief and having great documentation is one of them. If your leaders are trying to train from photocopied notes what does that say about the company and the product? I recommend that you engage a graphic designer to help develop professional training documentation and you teach your leaders how to use it.
Test your trainees to ensure that they understand what they have been taught and to reinforce the message. Let me provide an example:
If you teach the person that the product contains a high level of factor x and that factor x will make you feel 10 years younger, you may have questions such as:
1. Does the product contain factor x?
a. True
b. False
2. Does factor x make you feel 10 years younger?
a. True
b. False
As you can see, the questions reinforce the features and benefits of the product.
Use the product
Another, and probably more important, way of building belief is by getting the trainee to use the product and experience the benefits for themselves. Nothing builds belief more than personal experience. It takes the belief from the head to the heart and that heartfelt belief is unshakable. For years I watched YouTube videos on the Tesla car. I watched as people drag raced muscle cars and Tesla blew them away so I knew without a doubt that the Tesla was fast. Then, one day, I had a chance to test drive the Tesla in LA. I have never experienced power like that. I put the car in Ludicrous Mode and the car took off like a rocket ship. It was unbelievable! My belief went from my head to my heart in 2.8 seconds, the time it takes the Tesla to go from 0 to 100 km/h. The Tesla is now my all-time favourite car, and no-one can persuade me that there is anything better out there.
If the company makes a statement, then the validity may be in doubt. If an impartial third party, with no vested interest, raves about the product then it is likely to be true. You should train your network to solicit testimonials from happy customers. When someone takes the time to write to your company to tell you how amazing the product is, you are doing something right. Publish these letters, emails and conversations on your website and in your documentation and make sure that your leaders take the time to share these stories with their new distributors.
Finally, nothing builds stronger belief than telling a prospect, family member, friend and even a stranger about the wonders of a product. There is an old sales adage that goes “If you say it, I doubt it. If I say it, it’s true”. Getting your distributor to do a sales presentation of the product to a prospective client will cement their belief.
If you do all the above in Week 1 and nothing else, your new distributor may not become a great salesperson but there is a very good chance they will remain a loyal customer for the rest of their days. Week 1 is, therefore, an extremely important week.