There are numerous places to advertise online. You can run Google, Bing, and Yahoo campaigns. You could have banner advertising on Facebook, LinkedIn, and other social media sites. You can use blogs, news sites, and forums. You can also post on Twitter. The key to successful online marketing is training. At Acorn Kids we developed an extensive training program that we delivered using the e-learning system built into the Acorn Kids software. This ensured that each of our distributors was more than equipped to take full advantage of the relevant online opportunities.
We provided a host of downloadable banners, news posts, blog posts, buttons (code that could be embedded into any site to drive people to the distributor's replicated site), Facebook posts and examples of good twitter posts. We also provided a list of all the potential online marketing opportunities with instructions on how to get the best results out of them. All that our distributors needed to do was download the relevant text, scripts, adverts or banners from the member's area of the Acorn Kids system. Then simply follow the instructions for publishing it. Needless to say, the Internet was awash with Acorn Kids marketing. How can you put a price on this? The answer is, you can’t! It’s priceless!
When you break down all the fluff, there are two ways to promote and market your business: dumber, slower, and expensive — or smarter, faster, and cheaper - David Siteman Garland